Mediating finances Droitwich

Droitwich Financial Mediation


How to split your assets and physically divide into two residences may be a significant cause of stress for divorcing couples. A mediator can assist you and your ex-partner in reaching an amicable agreement about the division of money, property, pensions, and other assets without taking sides. The mediator’s responsibility is to verify that you are satisfied with the financial information that has been provided, with any appraisals that have been conducted, and to assist you in discussing settlement choices.

Depending on the intricacy of your financial position, the Droitwich Financial Mediation procedure often takes between two and four meetings. You will get an Open Summary of Financial Information and a Confidential Summary of Proposals at the conclusion of the process.

Any agreements reached during Droitwich Financial Mediation are not legally enforceable in a court of law. Many people choose to have their agreement reviewed by a solicitor, and the agreement can then be used in court to get a Consent Order.

Meetings for Mediation Information and Assessment

To bring a family dispute to the Court, you must first attend a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM). Certain exclusions apply, which your solicitor will explain if they apply to you.

The goal of an MIAM is to provide clients with an opportunity to explore their available alternatives for addressing their concerns and whether court actions, alternative dispute resolution, or collaborative law are the best course of action for the family. A MIAM is not mandatory mediation; rather, it is a mandatory meeting to determine if mediation is the best course of action.

How long does an MIAM procedure take?

A MIAM typically lasts an hour.

Who will be in attendance?

Typically, the client will attend the MIAM on his or her own, with the assistance of a qualified mediator. However, customers may attend the MIAM concurrently.

What will be the subject of discussion?

The client will be given time to share his or her experience and clarify the issue at hand. The mediator will discuss the many resolution choices available and how they differ in terms of time, expense, and stress. If Droitwich Financial Mediation is deemed appropriate, the mediator will describe what it is and how it works.

How will this story conclude?

The customer will be encouraged to determine the best course of action for resolving the situation. If Droitwich Financial Mediation is used, the mediator will call the other party and ask them to a similar meeting. If the matter is going to court, the mediator will be allowed to sign the Form required by the client to bring the matter to court. If another process is chosen, the mediator will notify the client how to proceed.

What will the cost be?

£100 is the price.

Contact Mediation Europe immediately at 03300 100 248 to learn more or to request a quotation.